...destination - Checking Off The Bucket List
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
Silvia Kovaskowa and Daniel Fletcher have been loyal to Better Bodies for years.
Silvia Kovaskowa and Daniel Fletcher have been loyal to Better Bodies for years. They run a successful training business in Australia where they thrive from helping people change, improve and transform their lives through fitness.
This summer Daniel and Silvia took a trip to the US for vacation and for Silvia to compete. They decided to make Dallas one of their stops where they got to meet the Better Bodies Team and hang out with CEO Michael Johansson.
CEO Michael Johansson making sure Silvia and Daniel gets a taste of real Texas BBQ.
...destination Dallas Texas
Better Bodies: Why did you choose to visit ...destination Dallas?
Silvia: I competed in Las Vegas 2015. We told each other that next time we'd come to America we would stay longer and see more. We also said we would come to Dallas to see you guys. It was always our dream to come here to ...destination Dallas.
Partnering Up
Better Bodies: When and how did you guys meet?
Daniel: We met in 2010 at a bodybuilding competition. We were both competing on the same day. We started talking and formed a relationship from there, and I also started training her.
Switching Countries
Better Bodies: Silvia, your accent is different. Where are you originally from?
Silvia: I moved to Australia from Slovakia in 2009. I moved for a better lifestyle. I was a bit bored in Slovakia since things to do and opportunities are limited there. I have always wanted to come to Australia and especially Sydney. Then I met Daniel and decided to stay forever.
It is a very different lifestyle in Australia compared to Slovakia. The business opportunities are way better, especially with my interests in fitness, health and bodybuilding. People are just so much more into fitness in Australia with the weather being so beautiful and warm and people living the lifestyle. I love looking after people and helping them live a healthy lifestyle. To get in to the fitness industry was the best thing I could do.
The Better Bodies Relationship
Better Bodies: How did you get in contact with the brand?
Daniel: We got in contact with the brand about 4-5 years ago through a distributor in Australia. We fell in love with the Better Bodies right away. All the clothing is very comfortable and fits perfectly. If you're looking for good apparel Better Bodies is the way to go.
Silvia: I love everything. Even older items still fits perfectly despite being washed hundreds of times. I love the quality, the colors and I just really love Better Bodies.
Competitions in Australia VS USA
Better Bodies: Where did you compete the past few weeks?
Silvia: I competed in the Pro Battle of The Desert in Vegas and then again in the Chicago Pro. It is a lot more competitive in America. If you want to compete as a professional we only have one show in Australia. So if you want to compete more and do more as a professional athlete you have to come to America because you have so many shows all the time.
Better Bodies: What are the biggest differences between competitions in USA and Australia?
Daniel: I didn't compete this time, but I competed in the Arnold Classic in Columbus Ohio a few years back. That was my first experience competing in America. It just seems to be a lot more people that travel from all over the world to compete here while in Australia it is pretty much just Australians competing.
Silvia: Also most of the athletes here are very nice as well so we are kind of connecting a little bit as well. That's the best part; we are meeting new people and making new connections. It makes you feel like you belong in this sport when you are around these kinds of athletes.
The Future
Better Bodies: What is next up for you guys competition wise?
Daniel: I'll be competing in Classic Physique in Australia in October. It used to be Classic Bodybuilding in 2013 but now the structure has changed and is called Classic Physique. Sylvia will be re-setting her goals as well.
Silvia: I am just thinking about what will I do in the future. Either I will be staying in the Figure division or switching to Bikini division which for my frame might be better. But I still did not decide yet, I am just thinking about switching because I kind of like the bikini look now. I think the girls look a little more solid now and fuller. It's something I would like to aim for in the future.
5 Star Physique
Better Bodies: Tell us about your company, 5 Star Physique
Daniel: We started 5 Star Physique after we'd met about 2014. We designed it because we are very passionate about the industry and we love changing peoples lives. There's nothing more rewarding than seeing a person who is very overweight very unhealthy at the beginning doing a complete 180 to walk away being fit, being healthy and completely confident in themselves. Our contest prep work is extremely rewarding as well. Watching people transform their body completely in only 12-14 weeks and then they do so well and perform so well on stage is amazing.
Transforming The World Through Fitness
Better Bodies: What is one of your favorite transformations with your company 5 Star Physique?
Silvia: We do a lot of transformations that are outstanding. One of my favorite transformations is one of my clients that is 55 years now. She started with me when she was 49. She was a chubby woman who had a personal trainer for years and years but her body never changed much. We started with a 12 weeks transformation and she changed a lot. Then she decided to compete, so were got ready for her competition and in another 12 weeks Ronnie changed even more and she won her competition. She was 50 years at the time and since then she has competed every year or sometimes twice a year.
She is addicted to Better Bodies as well. She loves the brand and the sport. I changed her life so much. She is stronger mentally and physically. Every woman at her gym is inspired by her. She is 55 years old and her body looks lie a 25 year old because she is beautiful and toned and slim. Her transformation is really close to my heart and she is almost like a second mother to me. I appreciate her as a client and as a friend as well. It is beautiful how close you can get with a client when you do so much for them and just enjoy the lifestyle and the whole process when you get into these transformations.
Daniel: It is weird because when you do change someones life like that, in that process you build a bond that lasts a lifetime. They become very special to you. With Ronnie, she traveled all the way to America to see Silvia compete this time. She was here with her husband. It is amazing you can build a relationship like that in the process of changing someones life.
Social Media
Silvia Instagram @ifbbpro_silviakovacsova
5Star Physique @5starphysiquefitness