Get To Know Henrik Sevilla
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
Meet Swedish Better Bodies Athlete Henrik Sevilla.
Who is Henrik?
I am 35 years old and live in Västerås. My origin is from Philippines. I have a wonderful daughter, the best thing that has happened in my life!
I have been active since I was five years old and played both hockey and basketball on elite level.
I then started doing rehab which started my love for weight training and to shape your body depending on your own goals, with the right food. I have trained weight lifting seriously with a goal in mind the last six years.
Self awareness and discipline from competing
I have competed once on Luciapokalen in Men´s Physique. Maybe I will compete again in the future. It is truly an experience, both on the way to the stage and the time after. I learned so much how my about how my body works and to take my discipline to the next level.
Training = alone time and wellbeing
My goal with my training is primarily to feel good, but it is also important alone time for me where I let go of everything in my life and can focus on myself 100%. Of course I think that we all want to look somehow good as well but it has always been secondary after good
health and to feel good. that will always be my first priority.
Back to basics always works, adding a twist to that
How my training looks like depends on what phase I´m in and what goals I have in front of me. What works best for me to build muscles, is to do the basic exercises and lift a bit heavier. In a diet when you start to reach your goal I usually do more reps, supersets and
increase the cardio training if needed. My cardio training is always included a bit after every session to keep the condition going, which has its perks also for weight lifting.
100% or nothing
I have been a competitive person since I was a kid and always when I decide to do something I did it a 100%. I´m either black or white. There is no grey area in my life. It´s a yes or no, rarely a maybe. This attitude fuels me and pushes me forward, especially in sports. My belief is that you can be whoever you want to be, whether it is in life in general or in your training, you will get there! Keep your head up high, have an optimistic attitude and work for it, positive things will attract to you and you will
reach your goals in time.
I choose to see life from a positive side, to respect and love myself
I used to have a hard time overthinking stuff. Now in the latest years I realize I don´t have time for that anymore. I also got some perspective and life experience through the years. You mature. And take better decisions when it come to training and in life. I have been at the top but also at the bottom, and managed to pull myself up through whatever the obstacle was.
And if a problem comes up I deal with it right away. I choose to prioritize myself. To love myself and do stuff that gives me joy instead of trying to please everyone else. This new attitude towards training and life has made me a happier person than I was 2-3 years ago. I am strong mentally but also need to mention the support and love from family and friends, it's invaluable in life.
My best life advice to give to people
Take on my attitude and I promise you´ll get another view on life and change your own philosophy, thoughts and behaviors. If you don´t love and prioritize yourself, how will you then perform a 100% in work, in the gym or give a 100% of yourself to another person, like with your family?
What do you wish your daughter brought with her in life?
To never give up! That you can become whoever you want In life if you just believe in yourself and work towards your goals. And that she will travel, study and experience all the things in life. Both good and bad, it will shape us and give us more than you´ll believe!