Purpose Driven: Training Vanessa Romanowski
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
Vanessa är endast 15 år och tävlar aktivt inom Thai Boxning. Lär känna henne här!
Vanessa Romanowski is a happy 15 year old girl born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. Vanessa is working hard to reach her goals in mixed martial arts by combining school and life at the gym.
Vanessa have competed in Muay Thai, K1 and Kickboxning and of total 47 fights she has won 41.
Vanessa is young an driven and we asked some questions to get to know her a little bit better.
The Interest in Thai Boxning - how did this arise?
After a trip to Thailand 6 years ago, I fell in love with Muay Thai. I was at a thai boxing event and saw girls in my age fighting. They inspired me to try something new after several years as a dancer.
Upcoming Goals - what's in the pipeline?
The next competition is Junior Swedish Championships February 28-29th. Then a fight in Thailand during the summer and hopefully World Championships in Malaysia in September.
Further ahead my goal is to participate in the Olympic Games and be a part of a big fighting organization.
The Passion and Everyday Life - how do you balance it?
I go to school like everyone else, and I hurry home to get my homework done and be able to go train. I train about 5-6 times per week so it takes a lot of time outside of school. The gym is like a retreat for me. I spend most of the time outside of school there.
Role Models - who do you look up to?
There are a lot of inspiring fighters like Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather but the one who is inspiring me the most is Joanna Jedrzejczyk from UFC.
A Typical Training Week - "on" and "off" season
I don't have any off-season. I am always ready for fight and I train hard to reach my goals. 3 weeks prior to a fight I train twice per day and I add some running after workouts.
When Not Training - what do you enjoy doing?
I love traveling and exploring new places. When I don't train I also enjoy spending time with family and just relax. I like listening to music and watch good movies.
Tips For Others - how do you get successful in a sport?
My tip is to always believe in yourself and not care about what others say or think. Also, yto do everything possible to reach the set goals. Work hard and never give up.
Other - anything else you want to share with the Better Bodies community?
You have to sacrifice blood, sweat and tears to reach your goals. There are no shortcuts. There is a way and everyone has to walk the same distance. It is not always easy but don't give up because once the goal is accomplished the feeling is all worth it.