The Home Base Gym
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
# A Message from CEO Michael Johansson
If you have read “How It All Started” you know that back in 1982 in “The Big Apple” Manhattan area of New York – Better Bodies founder Brian Moss along with his revolutionary idea about Better Bodies, created a gym that upheld all of the values of being inclusive and free of judgement regardless of age, color, sex, or creed. A place to call your “home” away from home.
Since my team in the Nordics and I were passed the Better Bodies torch in 1994 we have continued to live by the same values. Seventeen years later in 2011, we established our first USA based office and we regained the opportunity to go back to the original idea of creating a gym of our own as a home base for the Better Bodies brand. The idea was to go back to the original roots as much as possible when it came to creating a serious fitness environment for all fitness needs while creating a global destination. It should act as a playground and innovation hub for Better Bodies and with those ideas our “…destination, Dallas Texas” was born.
Throwback to 2012, Michael Johansson standing by what were to become ...destination Phase 1.
Today thousands of people have gathered from all around the world to join in and visit us for great workouts and community. We have a huge diversity in our fitness activities and it’s a space where you can always “B-YOU”.
On November 16th this year we will celebrate the grand opening of our next chapter with Better Bodies but now in a much larger facility. In this new space, we’ll have much more room to grow our community and have next level fitness activities that in the past we'd only dream of.
The next step in removing any remaining boundaries between current ...destination members and Better Bodies community members is to merge these communities into one Facebook group to allow both groups to interact and make new friends – bringing these two communities together into one!
The conclusion is that all of us has both …destination and Better Bodies as a common denominator. We are all ambassadors for fitness and by supporting …destination as a member we are indirectly supporting Better Bodies, as well as the opposite being true.
Please welcome new friends to our WHY and let’s continue to transform the world to a better place through fitness! We are all ambassadors for a healthy lifestyle.
Michael Johansson CEO Better Bodies, ...destination, Dallas, Texas.
Check out the virtual tour of the new facilities below.