Building a Successful Fitness Brand
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
CEO Michael Johansson catching up with Kris Gethin
Kris Gethin is a well known name in the fitness industry. He has also been connected with Better Bodies for years as both an ambassador and close friend with CEO Michael Johansson.
Michael decided to take a trip to Boise to catch up with Kris, where they among workouts and other fun, also recorded an episode for Kris Gethins "The Knowledge and Mileage Podcast".
In this episode they dive into what it takes to build a successful fitness brand as well as the latest from Better Bodies HQ, Destination Dallas. Listen to the end to hear what's next for fitness' premiere apparel line and what's coming with the BRAND NEW Destination Dallas gym.
Here is what Michael says about the interview and the importance of keeping a positive mindset to be successful in life:
"My long time friend Kris Gethin invited me to my first podcast interview. It was a blast and I can't thank him enough for all the great things he do through his KagedMuscle and Knowledge & Mileage Communities, and the valuable addition he is to our GASP and Better Bodies teams.
Kris asked great questions during his interview and I'm sure there is some good take outs for those who wants to have insight to our journey. BUT I want to emphasize that the label of success always comes from within, and it is up to each and everyone of us to feel and decide what that means.
To me success can only be found in our own purpose and passion. In other words my only advice is that you should always make your own decision around what success is for you.
I strongly believe that positive things only happens to positive people and that true happiness and real success can never be found in negative thoughts and surroundings.
One of the important parts of being successful for me is that we have been around for some 30 years doing what we do navigating both though hard times as well as good times.
I always felt successful on the inside during our 30 years even in our worst of times. This feeling is priceless, especially when you need it the most (like in though times).
We all have our individual circumstances, but If I go to myself I'm just trying to live by our WHY to change the world to a better place through fitness.
I'm trying my best to have a positive impact on anyone I meet on my journey traveling trough life preaching and practicing fitness.
To me it doesn't matter whether those I meet are 80 years old or 8, whether they are advanced and competing in Bodybuilding on an Olympia level or totally un-trained or obese. I feel the same purpose and passion even if my participation in the dialogues could be completely different.
We can all affect each other and our surroundings in a positive way when it comes to leading the way, in some shape or form, for a better life (and world) trough fitness.
Check out Kris @knowledgeandmileage podcast. He has some unique and amazing guests that together with Kris has been a great inspiration for my own development."