One Day With Fitness Athlete Karianne Ramberg
7 April 2021
|Updated 29 November 2024
Follow our Norwegian Better Bodies ambassador and bikini fitness competitor Karianne Ramberg during one day.
Follow our Norwegian Better Bodies ambassador and bikini fitness competitor Karianne Ramberg during one day. Karianne is working within the field of mental health and as a fitness coach, and she’s especially passionate about how the body and mind interact.
8:30 AM My alarm goes off at the same time as my brain goes FML and I hit the snooze button. I probably hit that button about three times before I drag myself out of bed. As you might guess I'm not exactly a morning person.
I work within the child protective services in Norway, specifically with adolescents who lives at institutions. I ”move in” with them for four days, have seven days off, move back in for three days and get another seven days off. I truly love working with all these awesome adolescents! That's also the reason why I'm usually able to get up as late as around 8:30 AM.
9:00 AM At this point I have cuddled all the fur of my dog, let her out in the backyard, and it's time to make breakfast. I always make oatmeal, and this must be my absolute favorite meal of the day. I just love oatmeal. Try my recipe and you will see why!
Kickass Oatmeal
Rolled Oats
Peanut Butter
Frozen Raspberries
Sugar Free Sweetener (if you have a sweet tooth)
Whey Isolate Protein
Mix the oats, cinnamon, and cardamom (add spices to liking). Add water and heat it up in the microwave or on the stove. As it starts to boil add 1–2 tablespoons of peanut butter and mix. When it's all done, sprinkle with sweetener and frozen raspberries. Mix the protein with water or milk, drink on the side or use it as topping. Bon appetit!
9:15 AM I enjoy my oatmeal under the blankets on my couch while I watch my guilty pleasure on TV, Dr Phil (yeah... I know, I know).
10:00 AM Now, it's Kira's (my dogs) time. We usually head up into the woods for a one hour power walk. Besides boxing on a punching bag, this is my favorite type of cardio. There is just something peaceful with being outside in the fresh air with my best friend.
12:00 PM It's time for the first lunch of the day. My lunch usually consist of lean meat, rice, and whatever vegetables I have at hand.
As soon as I’m done eating I start meal prepping for the next 3–4 days.
Sometimes I prep every meal besides breakfast, or just some of them. It all depends on how busy my schedule is going to be the upcoming days. Meal prepping saves me so much time and makes it easier to eat healthy. Not to mention how it helps me keep focus on whatever task I’m doing. A hungry mind is a distracted mind.
1:00 PM I run some errands.
3:00 PM It's time for my lunch number two. Three lovely crispbreads with boiled eggs. Yummy…
4:00 PM Kira and I patrol the neighborhood. We take this very seriously.
5:30 PM Dinner time! I like to mix it up and be creative when it comes to my dinners. I eat everything from tacos (with homemade salsa, fat free quark/greek yogurt, and guacamole) to lean meat/fish with rice/pasta/sweet potatoes, and vegetables. There are so many delicious and healthy food options out there, and plenty of creative meal options to make. As we say in Norway “the only boundary is our creativity”.
6:30 PM I turn up the music as I start to get ready to hit the gym. I dance around from one room to the other as I gather up my things. Kira is super excited about my pre-workout dancing and always joins in. She's not so impressed by my singing for some reason though... We pick out my training outfit for the day and head over to the gym.
7:00 PM The PWO has kicked in and it's game time!
**Leg Workout
**Leg press 3 x 15
Leg extension 3 x 15
Donkey raises 4 x 15
Leg curl 3 x 15
Walking lunges 4 x 20
Kick backs 2 x 20
Squat jumps 3 x 30
8:15 PM I have my post workout shake and a medium sized banana. Sometimes I treat myself a little extra and have a protein chocolate bar instead.
8:20 PM The mandatory legday selfie.
8:30 PM Trying to walk down the stairs from the gym.
8:35 PM Still trying to walk down the stairs.
9:00 PM I'm home enjoying some fat free quark/greek yogurt mixed with sugar free lemonade and cinnamon while I work with my online coaching clients. I love to end my day with this as I get so inspired by all the amazing people out there who are taking control of and changing their lives.
11:00 PM I curl into bed as after using every little bit of willpower that I have by not letting Kira join me in bed. If you saw her eyes you would know what I'm talking about. True willpower…
Good night!
Karianne on Instagram: @kickass_karianne